Spam statistics of AS55020 IDCCLOUD

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States20380 159Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-14 714630.43%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
331 682128 731

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS55020

Owner of AS55020

The Autonomous System (AS) number 55020 is registered to and owned by SpaceX Starlink, which is a division of Space Exploration Technologies Corp.

Main Operational Activity of AS55020's Owner

The main operational activity of SpaceX Starlink, the owner of AS55020, is to provide satellite-based internet connectivity services. Starlink aims to deliver high-speed broadband internet to locations where access has been unreliable, expensive, or completely unavailable. It utilizes a constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit to achieve this goal.

Establishment of AS55020

Information regarding the exact date of establishment for AS55020 is not readily available in public databases. However, SpaceX Starlink has been actively working on its satellite internet project for several years, with significant progress and deployment occurring in the early 2020s.

Malicious Usage of AS55020

There are no specific details provided about AS55020 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent from the source at It is essential for operators of any Autonomous System, including SpaceX Starlink, to monitor and mitigate any abusive behavior originating from their network to maintain a trustworthy and secure internet environment.

Please note that information regarding malicious activities is subject to change, and any such data should be sourced from up-to-date security feeds and databases for accuracy.

WhoIs AS55020


SPAM active IP addresses in AS55020 IDCCLOUD

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 00:00:222024-04-22 03:05:426 03:48:522024-04-20 23:15:523
338.55.223.1972024-03-18 17:43:492024-04-18 12:30:084
438.165.48.1302023-12-05 17:30:522024-04-27 03:40:408
5154.222.239.462019-11-07 21:14:432024-04-17 08:30:07205

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
2156.241.128.0/18Hong Kong SAR China1638412843200.00%
3154.213.64.0/21Hong Kong SAR China20481356161.00%
4154.213.64.0/20Hong Kong SAR China40962848160.00%
5165.3.120.0/22United Kingdom1024445131.00%
738.55.220.0/22Hong Kong SAR China1024372101.00%
8154.213.64.0/22Hong Kong SAR China1024721101.00%
9164.155.192.0/18United States1638410314100.00%
10103.52.152.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102455191.00%
11154.211.4.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102454591.00%
13165.3.88.0/22United Kingdom10248391.00%
1538.55.216.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102437071.00%
1645.113.0.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102455871.00%
17116.213.43.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25611373.00%
18154.211.4.0/23Hong Kong SAR China51229271.00%
19156.241.128.0/20Hong Kong SAR China4096319770.00%
20156.241.128.0/19Hong Kong SAR China8192671970.00%
2145.113.0.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25613162.00%
22154.213.68.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102463561.00%
23165.3.92.0/22United Kingdom10247361.00%
24103.43.10.0/24Hong Kong SAR China2569652.00%
26154.211.4.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25612252.00%
27164.155.252.0/22United States102443950.00%
2838.55.196.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102411840.00%
29103.52.153.0/24Hong Kong SAR China25614242.00%
30107.151.195.0/24United States25614342.00%

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