Spam statistics of AS8560 IONOS SE

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom122158 654Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-129 3803 3202.57%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
5 348 832150 951

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS8560

Owner of AS8560

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 8560 is IONOS SE, which was previously known as 1&1 Internet SE. IONOS SE is a well-established web hosting and cloud services company that operates internationally.

Main Operational Activity of IONOS SE

The main operational activity of IONOS SE, the owner of AS8560, includes providing a wide range of internet services such as web hosting, domain registration, cloud services, and various other online presence solutions for both private individuals and businesses.

Establishment of AS8560

AS8560 has been operational for many years, serving as the backbone of IONOS SE's internet infrastructure. The exact date of establishment for AS8560 is not specified in this answer, but it correlates with the growth and development of IONOS SE as a major internet service provider.

Malicious Use of AS8560

Like many large networks, AS8560 may occasionally be exploited by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, these incidents do not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of IONOS SE itself, as the company actively works to combat abuse and maintain network integrity.

According to data from, there have been instances of abuse detected coming from AS8560. CleanTalk maintains a database of IP addresses suspected of spamming or other malicious activities, and they report on incidents involving networks like AS8560. It should be noted that the presence of an AS in such a database does not imply that the network owner condones or supports these actions, but rather that they may face challenges in policing their network against misuse by third parties. Data on AS8560

As of the latest information available from, AS8560 has had reports of abuse, which could include spam or other forms of network exploitation. This reflects the ongoing battle that service providers face in securing their networks against unauthorized and harmful activities.

WhoIs AS8560


SPAM active IP addresses in AS8560 IONOS SE

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 10:44:202024-07-26 23:15:3642 16:45:212024-07-13 12:41:084
350.21.188.52022-08-18 14:40:562024-07-18 01:01:043
450.21.188.92022-08-10 06:23:472024-07-19 07:30:364
550.21.188.132022-08-06 08:27:092024-07-22 01:16:433
650.21.188.172022-08-07 10:14:152024-07-23 09:55:333
750.21.188.232022-08-30 16:36:042024-07-17 00:45:513
850.21.188.252022-08-10 06:42:382024-07-18 01:01:044
950.21.188.272022-08-07 10:14:152024-07-23 09:55:333
1050.21.188.372022-09-27 11:55:442024-07-23 09:55:333
1150.21.188.392022-08-27 16:30:572024-07-19 07:30:363
1250.21.188.452022-08-18 11:20:142024-07-14 01:05:293
1350.21.188.492022-10-05 14:52:292024-07-19 07:30:363
1450.21.188.622022-08-14 15:52:192024-07-14 09:00:423
1550.21.188.632022-09-10 08:46:102024-07-21 06:10:353
1650.21.188.642022-08-27 04:45:292024-07-21 06:10:353
1750.21.188.682022-10-03 10:50:452024-07-15 07:45:333
1850.21.188.692022-08-14 14:22:562024-07-24 01:05:273
1950.21.188.732022-08-20 15:10:182024-07-20 05:45:333
2050.21.188.752016-12-12 00:35:412024-07-22 06:05:276
2150.21.188.762022-08-05 14:07:182024-07-25 10:08:005
2250.21.188.782022-10-10 08:55:402024-07-18 18:55:524
2350.21.188.812022-10-10 09:20:452024-07-15 01:05:453
2450.21.188.832022-08-20 15:10:182024-07-20 05:45:333
2550.21.188.882022-09-21 11:11:352024-07-18 06:25:504
2650.21.188.932022-09-10 08:46:102024-07-21 06:10:354
2750.21.188.962022-08-05 14:07:182024-07-25 10:08:006
2850.21.188.982022-10-10 08:55:402024-07-18 18:55:526
2950.21.188.1032022-08-20 15:10:532024-07-21 06:10:353
3050.21.188.1052022-08-11 08:46:472024-07-22 06:05:273

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States65536226926441.00%
677.68.0.0/17United Kingdom32768106792811.00%
8109.228.0.0/18United Kingdom163845231921.00%
988.208.192.0/18United Kingdom163844697610.00%
1070.35.192.0/20United States40961838551.00%
11108.175.0.0/20United States40961437541.00%
12198.71.48.0/20United States40961512491.00%
1350.21.176.0/20United States40961358471.00%
1462.151.176.0/21United States20481007462.00%
16198.251.64.0/20United States40961359331.00%
17162.255.84.0/22United States1024483273.00%
18213.171.192.0/19United Kingdom81922199270.00%
1962.151.180.0/22United States1024519252.00%
20104.254.244.0/22United States1024663222.00%
21216.250.112.0/20United States40961541221.00%
2262.151.176.0/22United States1024488212.00%
23217.174.240.0/20United Kingdom40961093211.00%
24198.71.60.0/22United States1024506182.00%
2566.175.232.0/21United States2048498171.00%
2670.35.196.0/22United States1024515172.00%
28108.175.4.0/22United States1024358162.00%
29108.175.8.0/22United States1024396162.00%
30194.164.0.0/16United Kingdom655361298160.00%