AS9269 Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS9269 Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Hong Kong SAR China2118 690Public, Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-16 9116323.74%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
67 51619 524

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS9269

Ownership of AS9269

AS9269 is owned by Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited. This company is one of the largest broadband service providers in Hong Kong.

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited, the owner of AS9269, is providing high-speed internet services to residential and commercial customers. They offer a variety of services including broadband internet access, telephony services, and other related value-added services.

Establishment of AS9269

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS9269. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are generally assigned and managed by regional internet registries over various periods, depending on the growth and development of the network in question.

Malicious Use of AS9269

Like many networks, AS9269 may be subject to misuse by hackers or spammers. However, there is no evidence that suggests AS9269 is predominantly used for malicious intent. The network administrators typically implement security measures to prevent such activities. As per the data from CleanTalk, a website tracking spam and blacklisting services, AS9269 has some records of abuse, but this does not necessarily indicate a widespread problem inherent to the network itself. It is common for large networks to experience some level of abuse.

For more detailed and up-to-date information regarding any reported abuse coming from AS9269, visiting the CleanTalk website or similar services can provide insights into recent activity and blacklisting status. These details are subject to change as they are based on real-time reports and data analysis.

WhoIs AS9269


SPAM active IP addresses in AS9269 Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 15:40:442024-07-26 14:40:428 11:20:392024-07-19 14:28:507
361.93.246.1462024-07-18 01:45:282024-07-21 15:47:045
461.238.27.2092023-07-01 05:10:232024-07-26 04:35:2810
561.238.187.1412024-07-13 21:30:382024-07-13 21:45:363
6203.186.184.1462019-04-25 00:28:172024-07-19 12:28:5249

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1110.235.0.0/16Hong Kong SAR China6553668735591.00%
2110.235.0.0/17Hong Kong SAR China32768888310.00%
3113.10.128.0/19Hong Kong SAR China81921333300.00%
461.92.0.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384421250.00%
5110.235.0.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384461250.00%
6119.247.192.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384438240.00%
7210.6.0.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384486240.00%
859.148.128.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384377230.00%
9119.247.128.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384463220.00%
10138.19.0.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384545210.00%
11123.203.128.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384488200.00%
1259.188.240.0/20Hong Kong SAR China4096756180.00%
13210.6.192.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384393180.00%
14124.244.0.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384480170.00%
15165.84.128.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384365170.00%
1659.148.64.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384402160.00%
1759.148.192.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384291160.00%
18138.19.64.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384564150.00%
19183.178.192.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384427150.00%
2058.176.192.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384473140.00%
2159.149.64.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384364130.00%
2259.188.64.0/19Hong Kong SAR China8192927130.00%
23119.247.180.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102463131.00%
24183.178.128.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384330130.00%
25113.10.192.0/19Hong Kong SAR China8192573120.00%
26123.203.64.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384420120.00%
27138.19.192.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384383120.00%
28210.6.4.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102457121.00%
29210.6.64.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384417120.00%
3061.93.0.0/18Hong Kong SAR China16384394110.00%

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