AS200130 DigitalOcean, LLC

Spam statistics of AS200130 DigitalOcean, LLC

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European Union
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Overview of AS200130

Ownership of AS200130

The autonomous system (AS) number AS200130 is registered to and owned by Digital Ocean, Inc. Digital Ocean is a well-known American cloud infrastructure provider that focuses on simplifying web infrastructure for software developers.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Digital Ocean is providing scalable computing platforms and services for businesses and developers, such as virtual servers (droplets), object storage, and more. They are known for their ease of use and flexibility in providing resources for deploying and scaling applications.

Establishment of AS200130

Information about the exact establishment date of AS200130 is not provided in this context, but it can be inferred that it would have been established around the time the company started expanding its services to offer a globally distributed network.

Malicious Intent

Regarding the misuse of AS200130 for malicious intent like hacking or spamming, there might be isolated incidents where individual actors exploit Digital Ocean's services. However, these actions do not reflect the intentions or practices of Digital Ocean as a whole. According to data from CleanTalk, AS200130 has some records of abuse, but it is important to note that this does not necessarily indicate widespread malicious activity from the owner of the AS itself. Providers often take steps to mitigate and manage abuse on their networks.

Details from CleanTalk

As per the details found on regarding AS200130, there may be instances of abuse detected coming from this AS number. It is quite common for large hosting providers to occasionally have cases of misuse by their users. Digital Ocean, like many responsible service providers, likely has policies and measures in place to address such issues as they arise to maintain the integrity and security of their services.

WhoIs AS200130


SPAM active IP addresses in AS200130 DigitalOcean, LLC

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1138.68.93.1522020-04-20 09:50:402024-12-12 06:20:313

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