Spam statistics of AS26827 EPBTELECOM

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-4 093832.03%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
2 6531 210

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS26827

Owner of AS26827

The autonomous system (AS) number 26827 is registered to EPB Fiber Optics. EPB, also known as the Electric Power Board of Chattanooga, is a municipally-owned utilities company that provides electricity and fiber optic services.

Main Operational Activity of EPB Fiber Optics

EPB Fiber Optics' main operational activity involves providing high-speed Internet, television, and telephone services through a fiber-optic network. They are well-known for establishing one of the first Gigabit internet services in the United States, serving the greater Chattanooga area in Tennessee.

Establishment of AS26827

Information about the exact establishment date of AS26827 is not publicly available; however, EPB has been providing fiber optic services since launching their fiber optics division around 2009-2010.

Usage of AS26827 by Hackers or Spammers

As with any large internet service provider, there can be instances where an autonomous system like AS26827 is used by hackers or spammers. However, there is no specific evidence or widespread reporting indicating that AS26827 is predominantly used for malicious intent. According to data from, which monitors various IPs and AS numbers for spam and malicious activities, AS26827 does not currently appear to have significant issues with such activities. Nonetheless, this does not completely rule out isolated cases where individual users within the network could potentially engage in such behavior.

It's important to note that service providers actively work to combat abuse of their networks, employing various security measures to protect against unauthorized or harmful activities. Users are encouraged to report any suspicious behavior to help maintain the integrity of the network.

WhoIs AS26827


SPAM active IP addresses in AS26827 EPBTELECOM

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 10:05:382024-11-30 06:15:3225 19:25:282024-12-01 09:50:289
368.169.141.532024-01-19 23:15:262024-11-26 00:25:4810
4108.174.97.472021-11-19 22:06:092024-12-02 11:35:2814

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1184.174.128.0/18United States16384478160.00% States16384884120.00%
323.251.64.0/19United States8192371100.00%
4173.247.0.0/19United States8192245100.00%
5104.251.240.0/20United States409651680.00%
666.18.32.0/19United States819227560.00%
766.18.48.0/20United States409612860.00%
8108.174.96.0/20United States409620150.00%
9192.111.64.0/20United States409610050.00%
1066.85.224.0/20United States409624140.00%
1174.205.128.0/20United States409622640.00%
12104.251.244.0/22United States102426140.00%
13192.111.68.0/22United States10242340.00%
14198.57.80.0/20United States409611140.00%
1523.251.64.0/22United States102417230.00%
16104.171.240.0/20United States409617230.00%
17104.251.240.0/22United States102417130.00%
18184.174.132.0/22United States10244530.00%
19198.57.88.0/22United States10242230.00%
20204.93.96.0/19United States819223930.00%
2123.251.80.0/22United States10241420.00%
2245.43.96.0/20United States409624320.00%
23104.171.244.0/22United States10243420.00%
24108.174.96.0/22United States10249320.00%
25108.174.104.0/22United States10243620.00%
26173.247.8.0/22United States10242720.00%
27173.247.20.0/22United States10242120.00%
28173.247.24.0/22United States10244020.00%
29173.247.28.0/22United States10242120.00%
30184.174.136.0/22United States10242620.00%

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