AS199167 Aznetwork SAS

Spam statistics of AS199167 Aznetwork SAS

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About AS199167

Ownership of AS199167

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 199167 is AWASR, which stands for 'Awasr Oman.' Awasr is a telecommunications company based in the Sultanate of Oman that primarily provides broadband internet services.

Main Operational Activity of AS199167's Owner

Awasr specializes in offering fiber optic broadband services for both residential and business customers. Their services include high-speed internet access with various plans to cater to different user needs, including bundled packages that might offer voice services alongside internet connectivity.

Establishment of AS199167

While specific information about the establishment date of AS199167 is not readily provided in public resources, Autonomous Systems are typically registered as part of network operational expansions or when a new telecom entity begins service operations. Generally, an AS would be established at the onset of Awasr's operations or during significant network upgrades or expansions.

Malicious Use of AS199167

Regarding the usage of AS199167 by hackers or spammers for malicious intent, such activities can occasionally occur within any given Autonomous System. According to data from CleanTalk, there may have been instances of abuse detected emanating from this AS. However, it is important for telecom operators to implement robust security measures and abuse mitigation strategies to minimize such occurrences and protect the integrity of their networks.

Details from CleanTalk Regarding AS199167

As per the latest information available on CleanTalk's website:

  • The AS199167 has been reported for abuse a certain number of times.

  • There are records of spamming activity detected that are associated with AS199167.

  • CleanTalk provides a list of IP addresses that have been involved in the abusive behavior along with timestamps and details of the incidents.

CleanTalk's database is a useful resource for tracking potential security issues related to AS199167 and can assist the owner in taking corrective actions to safeguard their network.

WhoIs AS199167


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