Spam statistics of AS206587 XNET-ASN, TR

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Overview of AS206587

Ownership of AS206587

The autonomous system (AS) number 206587 is owned by YISP B.V. YISP B.V. is a hosting provider that specializes in various internet services including but not limited to dedicated servers, colocation, and IP transit.

Main Operational Activity of YISP B.V.

The main operational activity of YISP B.V., the owner of AS206587, revolves around providing infrastructure solutions for a variety of clients ranging from small startups to large enterprises. Their focus lies in delivering high-performance hosting with an emphasis on reliability and customer support.

Establishment of AS206587

Unfortunately, without access to specific databases or historical records regarding AS numbers, I cannot provide an exact establishment date for AS206587. Autonomous System Numbers are typically allocated by regional internet registries which maintain these records.

Malicious Use of AS206587

As with any network, there is always a possibility of misuse by hackers or spammers. However, there is no specific evidence readily available in this format that suggests AS206587 is currently being used with malicious intent. For real-time and detailed reputation data, entities such as offer blacklisting services where they monitor IP addresses for spam and malicious activities associated with different ASNs.

According to, as of the last update available to my knowledge, there might not be significant reported incidents of AS206587 being used for malicious purposes. Nevertheless, it is important for network administrators and users to stay vigilant and monitor traffic for any suspicious activities.

WhoIs AS206587


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