AS262188 Satel NV

Spam statistics of AS262188 Satel NV

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Caribbean Netherlands
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS262188

Owner Information

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 262188 is O. S. J. Informativa Ltda, which operates primarily in the field of information technology and communications.

Main Operational Activity

AS262188's owner, O. S. J. Informatica Ltda, provides various IT services and internet connectivity to its customers. It is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure necessary for internet service provision, managing IP address allocations, and ensuring network security and stability within its scope of operation.

Establishment Date

There is no specific establishment date provided for AS262188 in this context. Typically, the creation date of an autonomous system number can be found in internet routing registries or through network information centers specific to the region where the AS is located.

Malicious Activities Associated with AS262188

According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, there might be instances of malicious activities such as hacking or spamming that have been reported or detected coming from AS262188. However, it's important to note that the presence of such reports does not necessarily mean that the owner of the AS is directly involved in these activities. Compromised systems within their network could be exploited by external parties for malicious purposes.

Details on Reported Incidents

Any detailed information regarding incidents and abuse reports associated with AS262188 can be reviewed on websites that track blacklisted IPs and ASes, like CleanTalk. These details often include timestamps of when the suspicious activity was detected, types of alleged misconduct, and other relevant data points that can help in assessing the behavior of traffic coming from this autonomous system.

WhoIs AS262188


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1190.97.112.0/21Caribbean Netherlands20483500.00%
2190.97.112.0/24Caribbean Netherlands256300.00%
3190.97.114.0/24Caribbean Netherlands256300.00%
4190.97.115.0/24Caribbean Netherlands2561900.00%
5190.97.116.0/22Caribbean Netherlands1024800.00%
6190.97.116.0/24Caribbean Netherlands256500.00%

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