Spam statistics of AS262862 PR TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA

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About AS262862

Ownership Information

AS262862 is registered to PR TELECOMUNICACOES E INFORMATICA LTDA. This entity is the official owner and operator of this Autonomous System (AS).

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of PR TELECOMUNICACOES E INFORMATICA LTDA, as the owner of AS262862, is to provide telecommunications and internet services. They facilitate data communication through their network infrastructure to support various online activities for their users.

Establishment Details

There are no specific details available in the request regarding the establishment date of AS262862. For accurate and historical information, one would typically consult the regional internet registry or other databases that track AS number allocations and their history.

Security Concerns and Malicious Usage

According to available data from sources like CleanTalk, there may be concerns about malicious activities such as hacking or spamming originating from AS262862. However, without current or updated context provided in the question, it is not possible to confirm the validity of these claims or provide a detailed assessment of the security status for AS262862.

It is important for the owner of an AS to maintain proper security measures to prevent unauthorized use that could lead to its involvement in malicious activities. Providers also often work with security organizations to mitigate any abuse that occurs in their networks.

WhoIs AS262862


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