AS264116 I2 Telecom Ltda

Spam statistics of AS264116 I2 Telecom Ltda

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS264116

Owner of AS264116

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS264116 is Fernando Net e Telecomunicacoes - ME.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Fernando Net e Telecomunicacoes - ME, the owner of AS264116, is to provide telecom and internet services. They are likely involved in offering broadband connectivity, internet access, and possibly other related communication services to their customers.

Establishment of AS264116

There is no specific public data available on when exactly AS264116 was established readily from the usual resources. The creation date of an AS number can usually be found in the regional internet registry databases or through network information centers, but such details are not provided here.

Malicious Use of AS264116

Concerning whether hackers or spammers utilize AS264116 with malicious intent, information from CleanTalk (as of the knowledge cutoff in 2023) suggests that there have been incidents recorded where this autonomous system was potentially involved in undesirable activities. According to, AS264116 has been reported for abuse, though the nature and extent of this abuse are not detailed. Internet service providers sometimes face challenges with spammers and compromised systems within their networks. It's essential for ISPs to take measures to mitigate such issues to maintain the integrity of their services.

Please note that the absence of detailed reports or current data prevents a comprehensive analysis of the security posture of AS264116, and any allegations of misuse should be investigated thoroughly by relevant authorities or the ISP itself.

WhoIs AS264116


Detected networks prefixes

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