Spam statistics of AS28053 ONEMAX S.A.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Dominican Republic
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS28053

Ownership of AS28053

The autonomous system AS28053 belongs to ETERNITY S.A, a company that operates mainly in the telecommunications sector.

Main Operational Activity of ETERNITY S.A

ETERNITY S.A is primarily focused on providing internet services as an Internet Service Provider (ISP). They offer various connectivity options for their customers, including broadband and dedicated internet access.

Establishment of AS28053

The exact establishment date of AS28053 is not publicly disclosed. Autonomous Systems are typically registered and come into operation once an organization requires a unique set of IP addresses for routing purposes within the global internet infrastructure.

Potential Malicious Use of AS28053

As with any network, there is a potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. However, specific details regarding malicious activities originating from AS28053 would require real-time monitoring and reporting from cybersecurity organizations. The website CleanTalk maintains a database of blacklisted IPs and can provide insights into whether AS28053 has been involved in spamming or other malicious activities.

Details from CleanTalk on AS28053

According to CleanTalk's database, which tracks and compiles data on spamming and hacker activity, there might be instances where IP addresses within the range of AS28053 have been used for such purposes. The database provides information on the number of detected spam actions, the latest recorded activity, and other relevant details that can help assess the security posture of networks under AS28053.

To get the most current and detailed information regarding any reports of AS28053 being used for malicious intent, it would be advisable to visit the CleanTalk website directly and query their database with the AS number.

WhoIs AS28053


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1190.52.255.0/24Dominican Republic256421.00%
2190.52.225.0/24Dominican Republic256810.00%
3190.52.224.0/24Dominican Republic256400.00%
4190.52.226.0/24Dominican Republic256200.00%
5190.52.228.0/24Dominican Republic2561200.00%
6190.52.229.0/24Dominican Republic256100.00%
7190.52.230.0/24Dominican Republic256400.00%
8190.52.231.0/24Dominican Republic2561100.00%
9190.52.246.0/24Dominican Republic256100.00%
10190.52.254.0/24Dominican Republic256100.00%
11200.89.88.0/24Dominican Republic256200.00%
12200.89.88.0/21Dominican Republic2048400.00%