AS37675 SkyWire

Spam statistics of AS37675 SkyWire

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Africa
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS37675

Owner of AS37675

AS37675 is owned by SkyWire Technologies, a telecommunications service provider in South Africa.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of SkyWire Technologies includes providing various Internet services such as broadband access, hosting solutions, and other related telecommunication services to its customers.

Establishment of AS37675

There isn't readily available public information specifying the exact date when AS37675 was established. Typically, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are allocated by regional internet registries as organizations require them for their operations.

Usage of AS37675 for Malicious Purposes

According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, there have been instances where AS37675 has been reported for hosting spammers or hackers. However, these incidents do not necessarily imply that the owner of the ASN is directly involved in malicious activities. It could be the result of compromised systems within their network being exploited by third parties.

Details from CleanTalk

CleanTalk is a service that provides a blacklist database to track spam and malicious activities. As per their records, they have noted some suspicious activities originating from AS37675. This does not mean the network is inherently unsafe, but it indicates that like many large networks, it may occasionally be abused for spam or hacking.

WhoIs AS37675


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1154.73.152.0/24South Africa2562121.00%
2154.73.153.0/24South Africa2562521.00%
3154.73.156.0/23South Africa5123720.00%
4154.73.157.0/24South Africa2561921.00%
5165.90.33.0/24South Africa2561621.00%
641.78.184.0/24South Africa256910.00%
7154.73.154.0/24South Africa2561510.00%
8154.73.155.0/24South Africa2561710.00%
9154.73.159.0/24South Africa2562610.00%
10165.90.58.0/24South Africa256910.00%
11165.90.60.0/23South Africa5125910.00%
12165.90.60.0/24South Africa2564010.00%
13165.90.62.0/24South Africa256410.00%
1441.78.185.0/24South Africa256100.00%
1541.78.186.0/24South Africa256500.00%
1641.78.187.0/24South Africa256300.00%
17154.73.156.0/24South Africa2561800.00%
18154.73.158.0/24South Africa2561700.00%
19165.90.32.0/24South Africa2561300.00%
20165.90.34.0/24South Africa2562000.00%
21165.90.35.0/24South Africa2561400.00%
22165.90.44.0/24South Africa256400.00%
23165.90.44.0/22South Africa1024400.00%
24165.90.56.0/24South Africa2561400.00%
25165.90.57.0/24South Africa2562000.00%
26165.90.59.0/24South Africa2561000.00%
27165.90.61.0/24South Africa2561900.00%
28165.90.63.0/24South Africa256200.00%
29196.13.254.0/24South Africa256400.00%

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