AS41168 GTC-AS, UA

Spam statistics of AS41168 GTC-AS, UA

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS41168

Owner of AS41168

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS41168 is Real-Web Ukraine, which is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) operating predominantly in the region of Ukraine.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Real-Web Ukraine, the owner of AS41168, involves providing internet access services to its customers. This includes broadband internet services, hosting solutions, and other related internet services.

Establishment of AS41168

Unfortunately, without more specific data or updated databases, the exact establishment date of AS41168 cannot be provided here.

Malicious Use of AS41168

Regarding the use of AS41168 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, it's important to note that like many autonomous systems, it could potentially be misused by such individuals or groups. According to, a website that maintains a database of IP addresses involved in spamming or hacking activities, there may be records of abuse coming from this AS. Such activities might include spamming, hosting malicious content, or other forms of cyber threats. However, these incidents don't necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of the AS owner itself but are rather indicative of how some users might exploit the services provided.

WhoIs AS41168


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