AS42906 Koleso Network LTD

Spam statistics of AS42906 Koleso Network LTD

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS42906

Owner of AS42906

The autonomous system (AS) number 42906 is owned by Lemon Telecommunication Ltd.

Main Operational Activity of AS42906's Owner

Lemon Telecommunication Ltd primarily operates in the field of telecommunications, providing a variety of services that likely include internet service provision, networking solutions, and other related telecommunication activities.

Establishment of AS42906

There is no specific public record readily available detailing when AS42906 was established. The establishment date of an autonomous system can be difficult to ascertain without access to the registry databases or direct communication from the owner organization.

Malicious Use of AS42906

According to data from CleanTalk, there are no significant records or reports suggesting that AS42906 is commonly used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, this does not completely rule out the possibility of isolated incidents where individual IP addresses within the AS may have been compromised or used for such activities. It is important for network administrators to continuously monitor their networks for any signs of unauthorized or malicious activity.

Please note that information about the use of AS42906 for malicious purposes should be taken from reputable sources and verified for accuracy. As my knowledge is up to date only until April 2023, it is also recommended to check the latest data on platforms like CleanTalk for the most recent information regarding AS42906.

WhoIs AS42906


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