AS45317 Jaringan Lintas Utara, PT

Spam statistics of AS45317 Jaringan Lintas Utara, PT

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About AS45317

Ownership of AS45317

The Autonomous System (AS) number 45317 is owned by Jarnet - Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional in Indonesia. This institution focuses on providing network connectivity and related services primarily to educational establishments within the country.

Main Operational Activity of AS45317's Owner

The main operational activity of Jarnet as the owner of AS45317 is to supply internet infrastructure and resources for facilitating digital education and research. Their services are crucial in supporting the academic community with reliable access to online educational content and tools.

Establishment of AS45317

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS45317 is not readily available in public records. However, such details could potentially be found through deeper investigation into historical registration data or by contacting the organization directly.

Malicious Use of AS45317

Like any large network, AS45317 is susceptible to abuse by malicious actors such as hackers or spammers. According to data provided by CleanTalk, there have been instances of abuse detected originating from AS45317. CleanTalk maintains a blacklist that helps website administrators protect their sites from spam and hacking attempts by tracking the activity of different AS numbers.

It is important to note that the presence of an AS number on a blacklist does not necessarily imply that the network owner condones or is involved in such activities. More often, it indicates that some of the users within the network may be conducting these activities without the owner's consent or knowledge, leading to the network being flagged by security organizations.

CleanTalk's database can be consulted for further details concerning the specific types of abuse associated with AS45317, including timestamps and the nature of the reported incidents.

WhoIs AS45317


SPAM active IP addresses in AS45317 Jaringan Lintas Utara, PT

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1203.190.43.2022016-01-11 18:52:252024-04-20 02:30:157

Detected networks prefixes

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