AS11542 interactive media group

Spam statistics of AS11542 interactive media group

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS11542

Ownership of AS11542

The autonomous system (AS) number 11542 is registered to and owned by the Harte-Hanks Inc. Harte-Hanks is a marketing services company that specializes in multi-channel marketing solutions.

Main Operational Activity of AS11542's Owner

Harte-Hanks provides a wide range of marketing services which include direct marketing, database marketing, email marketing, social media management, and analytics. The company operates primarily in the field of customer relationship management and engagement, helping businesses to acquire and retain customers through various channels and touchpoints.

Establishment of AS11542

The exact establishment date of AS11542 is not publicly disclosed in general Internet resources, but it has been operational for several years, serving the networking needs of Harte-Hanks Inc.

Malicious Use of AS11542

Like many autonomous systems, AS11542 could potentially be used with malicious intent by hackers or spammers. However, to better understand the current status regarding this issue, one would need to refer to real-time databases and blacklists such as CleanTalk for up-to-date information on any reported activities. As of my knowledge cutoff date, here are some details:

  • CleanTalk may list certain IP addresses associated with AS11542 if suspicious activities have been detected.

  • It is important for network administrators at Harte-Hanks to monitor their IP space to prevent abuse.

  • Any specific incidents or reports of malicious use would require further investigation beyond my knowledge cutoff date.

WhoIs AS11542


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