Spam statistics of AS12042 ENVENTIS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States437Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 076572.75%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
31 3249 336

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS12042

Owner of AS12042

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 12042 is enTouch Systems, Inc. This company provides a variety of telecommunication services.

Main Operational Activity

enTouch Systems, Inc. primarily operates as a telecommunications provider, offering services such as high-speed internet, cable TV, security, and phone services to its customers.

Establishment of AS12042

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS12042 is not readily available in public records. Usually, the creation date of an autonomous system number can be found in regional internet registry databases or through historical analysis of routing tables.

Malicious Use of AS12042

Like any other autonomous system, AS12042 could potentially be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it's essential for network operators to implement security measures to mitigate such risks. According to data from, there may have been instances of abuse detected in association with AS12042 in the past, but specific details would require further investigation. It is important for users to note that this information could change over time and the AS operator might take steps to address any issues arising from such activities.

WhoIs AS12042


SPAM active IP addresses in AS12042 ENVENTIS

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 09:40:482024-07-24 08:05:476
2198.153.255.22020-05-06 04:52:172024-07-26 11:31:273
3209.23.188.2192018-09-27 02:15:392024-07-25 23:31:056
4209.23.188.2202016-01-21 23:56:372024-07-15 21:20:406

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1198.144.0.0/1210485761495016280.00% States4096158160.00%
364.255.128.0/20United States4096142130.00%
469.178.216.0/21United States2048108121.00%
569.178.216.0/22United States10245881.00%
669.178.216.0/23United States5124571.00%
776.10.64.0/21United States20485660.00%
876.10.68.0/23United States5123151.00%
969.178.220.0/23United States5122741.00%
1069.178.220.0/22United States10245040.00%
11216.114.192.0/18United States1638452140.00%
1264.21.240.0/21United States20484030.00%
1369.24.160.0/19United States819252330.00%
14209.23.128.0/18United States1638427730.00%
1564.21.232.0/21United States20487320.00%
1669.178.252.0/22United States10244220.00%
17161.129.240.0/22United States10242220.00%
18209.243.12.0/22United States10243820.00%
19209.243.26.0/23United States5122920.00%
2064.254.184.0/21United States204813610.00%
2167.218.24.0/22United States10241410.00%
2268.232.224.0/19United States819224210.00%
2372.46.176.0/22United States1024510.00%
2476.10.64.0/22United States10241310.00%
2576.10.122.0/23United States512510.00%
26198.144.0.0/20United States40965610.00%
27198.144.8.0/22United States10241410.00%
28206.51.192.0/19United States819213110.00%
29206.51.194.0/23United States5122410.00%
30206.51.194.0/24United States256910.00%