AS13023 Weber Ltd

Spam statistics of AS13023 Weber Ltd

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About AS13023

Owner of AS13023

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS13023 is not explicitly mentioned in the public registry. To determine the current owner, one would typically need to look up the latest details in an internet registry database or contact a network information center.

Main Operational Activity

The operational activities of AS13023 would generally involve managing internet traffic related to its networks. This includes routing decisions, maintaining network infrastructure, and ensuring secure and efficient data transmission among affiliated networks.

Establishment of AS13023

The exact establishment date of AS13023 is not publicly documented in a generic context. Autonomous Systems are created at different times for various purposes, often tied to the expansion or needs of the owning entity's network infrastructure.

Malicious Use of AS13023

Regarding the use of AS13023 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, as of the current knowledge cutoff in 2023, specific details about such activities involving AS13023 require investigation through cybersecurity databases or services that track malicious behavior associated with autonomous systems. According to, which provides a blacklist service, they may have records or reports if AS13023 has been implicated in such activities. However, without direct access to these details, we cannot provide a definitive answer.

WhoIs AS13023


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