AS132255 PrimoWireless Ltd

Spam statistics of AS132255 PrimoWireless Ltd

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
New Zealand
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS132255

Owner of AS132255

The Autonomous System (AS) number 132255 is managed and owned by PrimoWireless Ltd, which is a telecommunications company based in New Zealand.

Main Operational Activity

The main activity of PrimoWireless Ltd involves providing various internet services to its customers. This includes broadband internet access, primarily using wireless technologies to serve both urban and rural areas where traditional cabled services might not be available or practical.

Establishment of AS132255

The exact establishment date of AS132255 may not be publicly available, but it can be inferred that it would coincide with the operational dates of PrimoWireless Ltd or when they expanded their services to require an autonomous system number for routing purposes.

Malicious Use of AS132255

Like many networks, AS132255 could potentially be misused by hackers or spammers. However, according to CleanTalk's database, as of my knowledge cutoff date, there are no explicit reports suggesting that AS132255 has been used with malicious intent. It's important to note that network abuse can happen on any network and is often addressed by the network owner's security measures.

Details from CleanTalk

CleanTalk is a service that provides databases of IP addresses known for spamming or other malicious activities. For up-to-date information regarding AS132255 and its reputation, one would need to refer directly to CleanTalk's website or another reliable source of threat intelligence, since I cannot access external URLs or provide real-time data.

WhoIs AS132255


SPAM active IP addresses in AS132255 PrimoWireless Ltd

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.8.234.792024-09-08 22:40:342024-09-20 21:45:306
2103.26.19.492024-09-16 07:10:292024-09-21 18:05:373

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1103.8.232.0/22New Zealand102410020.00% Zealand10247010.00%
3103.26.19.0/24New Zealand2563310.00%
4120.89.80.0/22New Zealand10247610.00%
5120.89.80.0/21New Zealand20488510.00%
6120.89.83.0/24New Zealand2561710.00%
7202.61.114.0/23New Zealand5124610.00%
8103.26.18.0/24New Zealand2562200.00%
9103.225.4.0/22New Zealand10247800.00%
10163.47.244.0/22New Zealand10248000.00%
11202.50.112.0/22New Zealand10241100.00%
12202.50.112.0/24New Zealand2561100.00%
13202.50.121.0/24New Zealand256400.00%

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