Spam statistics of AS134977 LIMITED

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Hong Kong SAR China1795Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites
1 570542

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS134977

Owner of AS134977

The autonomous system (AS) number 134977 is registered to "Nextra Teleservices Pvt. Ltd."

Main Operational Activity

Nextra Teleservices Pvt. Ltd. primarily operates as an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Their main activities include offering broadband internet services, leased lines, and other related telecommunication services to their customers.

Establishment of AS134977

There is no specific public data available regarding the exact date when AS134977 was established. Autonomous Systems are typically registered by organizations as they set up or expand their network infrastructure, but these dates are not always publicly disclosed.

Malicious Usage of AS134977

As for the reputation of AS134977 in relation to malicious activities such as hacking or spamming, it's essential to monitor blacklists and security reports over time, as the usage can vary. According to CleanTalk, a service that provides information on IP addresses and AS numbers involved in spamming or hacking activities, there might be some indicators of such activities originating from AS134977. Below are details retrieved from CleanTalk:

  • Date Added: The specific date of when AS134977 was added to the CleanTalk database is not stated, but you can check their website for real-time updates.

  • Last Seen: CleanTalk provides information on the last detected activity from this AS. This can indicate whether the network has recently been involved in sending spam or hosting malicious content.

  • Spam Rate: The spam rate indicates the percentage of spam activity associated with the AS.

  • Country: The country field shows where the AS is registered, which in this case, should correspond to India, where Nextra Teleservices Pvt. Ltd. operates.

To assess the current status of AS134977 regarding potential misuse by hackers or spammers, one would need to visit the CleanTalk website or other similar services for the latest data, keeping in mind that such information can change rapidly as networks take action to mitigate any abuse.

WhoIs AS134977


SPAM active IP addresses in AS134977 LIMITED

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.204.108.1342017-04-25 01:27:272024-04-29 22:30:4777
2103.204.108.1412017-06-05 09:26:432024-04-21 18:30:08180
3103.204.108.1442017-07-04 02:07:232024-04-22 12:01:00465
4103.204.108.1582017-04-25 01:17:572024-04-29 20:10:35124
5103.204.108.1602017-05-01 20:46:592024-04-25 10:10:4179
6103.204.108.1612017-04-27 04:28:092024-04-29 15:50:3584
7103.204.108.1842017-04-28 14:16:352024-04-17 03:40:57214
8103.204.108.1862017-04-26 00:35:592024-04-21 12:30:1395
9103.204.109.1322017-04-27 10:37:252024-04-30 04:15:44190
10103.204.109.1502017-06-06 14:57:132024-04-29 22:25:47225
11103.204.109.1692017-04-25 01:06:332024-04-19 01:55:41120
12103.204.109.1792017-06-16 15:17:392024-04-30 03:01:12122
13103.204.110.1302017-07-05 13:26:442024-04-23 19:00:43576
14103.204.110.1412017-06-13 22:07:262024-04-20 22:55:45291
15103.204.110.1472017-06-13 22:57:542024-04-30 03:10:43284
16103.204.110.1582017-05-31 16:57:072024-04-28 18:11:01211
17103.204.110.1712017-05-26 05:57:582024-04-29 21:15:5285
18103.204.110.1792019-08-13 06:07:072024-04-28 16:30:0263
19103.204.111.1372017-06-02 18:16:482024-04-24 23:55:3267
20103.204.111.1492017-06-02 17:27:392024-04-29 16:30:02252
21103.204.111.1592017-04-30 08:38:222024-04-27 12:00:3758
22103.204.111.1632017-04-29 17:07:122024-04-29 15:05:3159
23103.204.111.1782017-04-24 03:56:412024-04-27 16:20:4170
24103.204.111.1802017-06-27 17:41:162024-04-30 00:51:21436
25103.204.111.1872017-05-27 11:55:482024-04-30 03:10:43365
26103.204.111.1892017-06-05 08:38:042024-04-21 02:30:06154

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1103.204.108.0/22Hong Kong SAR China102479513914.00%

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