AS135616 Name: Thaksin University

Spam statistics of AS135616 Name: Thaksin University

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Overview of AS135616

Owner of AS135616

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS135616 is Guangdong RuiJiang Science and Tech Ltd. This company operates primarily within the Information Technology sector with a focus on providing internet services.

Main Operational Activity

Guangdong RuiJiang Science and Tech Ltd, as an IT service provider, offers various internet-related services which may include web hosting, cloud services, and other IT infrastructure services that cater to a range of customers requiring online presence and operations.

Establishment of AS135616

The exact establishment date of AS135616 is not publicly disclosed in most ASN registries; hence, we cannot provide a precise founding date within this context.

Malicious Activities Associated with AS135616

Regarding the use of AS135616 by hackers or spammers for malicious intent, it is important to note that autonomous systems can sometimes be exploited for such activities despite the owner's best efforts. According to the data from CleanTalk, a service monitoring blacklists, there may have been instances of abuse detected emanating from AS135616. However, without current, real-time data, it is not feasible to accurately state the level or nature of the malicious activities. For detailed and updated information about any potential misuse of AS135616, referring directly to CleanTalk or similar services that track such activities would be advisable.

WhoIs AS135616


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