AS135714 Fans Networks Private Limited

Spam statistics of AS135714 Fans Networks Private Limited

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Overview of AS135714

Owner of AS135714

The owner of AS135714 is PC SOLUTIONS PVT LTD, an Internet Service Provider based in India. They provide various IT and network services to their clients.

Main Operational Activity

AS135714's main operational activity involves offering internet connectivity and related services to its customers. Their services encompass a broad range of IT solutions including managed services, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, catering to the diverse needs of different businesses.

Establishment of AS135714

The exact establishment date of AS135714 is not publicly disclosed in common networking databases or resources. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are typically allocated upon request to organizations that need to manage their own IP address policies and routing, but the date of allocation for AS135714 would require more specific research or direct inquiry with the organization.

Malicious Use of AS135714

According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, there have been reports of malicious activities originating from AS135714. These activities may include spamming or other forms of cyber threats. However, it is important to recognize that the presence of such activities does not necessarily indicate that the owner of the ASN is directly responsible for the malicious actions; instead, it could be the result of compromised systems within their network being exploited by third parties.

Details from CleanTalk

As per the information available on CleanTalk, there appears to be a history of abuse detected from AS135714, suggesting that some level of precaution should be taken when interacting with this ASN. This could involve monitoring for spam, implementing additional security measures, or conducting thorough investigations of any suspicious activities associated with this number.

WhoIs AS135714


SPAM active IP addresses in AS135714 Fans Networks Private Limited

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.165.28.962022-01-14 15:50:312024-07-26 21:31:4031

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