AS136314 Shaildhar Telecom Services Pvt Ltd

Spam statistics of AS136314 Shaildhar Telecom Services Pvt Ltd

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About AS136314

Owner of AS136314

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS136314 is not specified in the question, and without further context or access to real-time databases, it is challenging to determine the current owner of this specific AS number. Autonomous Systems are typically owned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), organizations, or large corporations that manage their own network infrastructure.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of an Autonomous System's owner can vary widely but generally involves managing IP addresses and routing policies for the internet traffic within the network they control. This includes ensuring network stability, reliability, and efficiency for their users or customers. The specific operations for AS136314 would depend on the nature of its owner's business and the services they provide.

Establishment of AS136314

The establishment date of AS136314 is not readily available in public records without real-time access to AS registration databases such as those maintained by regional internet registries. These dates often require a direct query to the database or may be found in the registry's public reports or records.

Malicious Use of AS136314

Concerning whether hackers or spammers use AS136314 with malicious intent, I cannot directly visit external URLs including "" to retrieve the current status of AS136314. However, many autonomous systems at times face challenges with abuse if proper security measures are not enforced. Network owners typically implement various security protocols and collaborate with industry partners to mitigate such risks and handle abuse reports.

If there have been reports of malicious activity originating from AS136314, the network administrators would likely need to address such issues promptly to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of their network services. It is common for network owners to have established procedures to respond to abuse complaints and take action against identified threats.

WhoIs AS136314


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