AS136425 Asianet Online Service

Spam statistics of AS136425 Asianet Online Service

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS136425

Ownership Details

AS136425, also known as PhilCom Corporation, is an autonomous system (AS) owned by Philcom Corporation. PhilCom has been a provider of communication solutions in the Philippines, offering a range of telecommunication services to its customers.

Main Operational Activities

The main operational activities of Philcom Corporation involve providing Internet services like broadband access and other value-added services. These include data, voice, and video communications which serve both residential and business sectors.

Establishment Information

While the exact establishment date of AS136425 is not provided, PhilCom Corporation itself has a long history dating back to its founding years, with the development of telecommunications infrastructure in the Philippines.

Reports of Malicious Activities

There can be instances where an autonomous system like AS136425 might be reported for being associated with malicious activities such as hosting spammers or hackers. To check the current reputation and any abuse reports related to AS136425, external sources like CleanTalk can be consulted. It's important to note that the presence of an AS in a blacklist does not necessarily imply that the network owner is directly involved in malicious activities; it could also mean that some of the users within the AS could have been compromised or are conducting such actions without the owner's consent.

Reputation Status of AS136425

As per the details available on, there may be records of spamming activities or other types of abuse coming from AS136425. To understand the current status and any potential security issues, one would need to visit their website directly for the most up-to-date information, noting that this assistant cannot provide real-time data.

WhoIs AS136425


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate