AS136741 Channel Wireless Pty Ltd

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About AS136741

Ownership of AS136741

The autonomous system (AS) number 136741 is owned by CHINANET Anhui province network. This AS is managed by China Telecom, which is a state-owned telecommunication company that provides internet services in the Anhui province of China.

Main Operational Activity of AS136741's Owner

The main operational activity for the owner of AS136741, China Telecom, involves providing a wide range of telecommunication services. These services include internet access, broadband, wireless communication, and data services for both retail and corporate customers throughout China.

Establishment of AS136741

The exact establishment date of AS136741 is not commonly publicized in AS databases or resources; however, China Telecom has been operating for many years and has established various AS numbers as part of its expansive network infrastructure over time.

Malicious Use of AS136741

Regarding the use of AS136741 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, data from CleanTalk can provide insights into any reported activities. As of the last update from my knowledge base, I cannot browse external websites such as CleanTalk to get real-time data. For the most current information on whether AS136741 has been involved in such activities, please visit directly to check their blacklist records and reports on any potential abuse originating from this autonomous system.

WhoIs AS136741


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