AS136865 PT Foura Inti Sinergi

Spam statistics of AS136865 PT Foura Inti Sinergi

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About AS136865

Owner of AS136865

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS136865 is reported as ANI Broadband Service Pvt Ltd.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of ANI Broadband Service Pvt Ltd, the owner of AS136865, is likely to be providing broadband internet services. As an internet service provider, they would offer various connectivity solutions to consumers and businesses within their service area.

Establishment of AS136865

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS136865 is not provided in the context of this query. ASNs are typically assigned by regional internet registries, which maintain records of allocations, but such specific details often require direct access to those databases or the entity's own disclosures.

Malicious Use of AS136865

According to data retrieved from, which can provide insight into whether an ASN has been involved in sending spam or hosting malicious activities, it appears that there have been instances where AS136865 was flagged for such behavior. However, without current and detailed reports, it is not possible to definitively state the extent to which AS136865 might currently be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent.


WhoIs AS136865


Detected networks prefixes

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