Spam statistics of AS137952 ANGKOR E & C CAMBODIA Co.,Ltd.

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About AS137952

Owner of AS137952

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 137952 is XIAOZHIYUN1-AS-AP Xiao Zhiyun Limited. This entity operates the AS in question.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Xiao Zhiyun Limited, the owner of AS137952, involves providing internet services. These services typically include web hosting, data transmission, and possibly cloud infrastructure or related online services.

Establishment of AS137952

There is no specific public data readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS137952. The creation dates of AS numbers can vary, and this information might not always be disclosed to the public domain.

Malicious Usage of AS137952

With respect to any allegations of malicious intent such as hacking or spamming utilising AS137952, there are platforms that track the reputation of IP addresses and AS numbers. According to, an online service that provides IP/ASN blacklisting status, we can gather data on whether there have been reports of such activities originating from AS137952.

As of the last check, does not list any specific details about AS137952 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it's important to note that the reputation of an AS can change over time, and it's possible for any network to be compromised or misused without the owner's consent.

Maintaining network security and monitoring for abuse is an ongoing challenge for all network operators. Any reported issues typically require investigation by the network administrator and appropriate action to mitigate any identified risks.

WhoIs AS137952


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