AS138065 Teknovatus Solusi Sejahtera

Spam statistics of AS138065 Teknovatus Solusi Sejahtera

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS138065

Ownership of AS138065

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 138065 is currently not specified in the available public records. Ownership details for autonomous systems can sometimes be obscured due to various reasons, such as privacy policies or lack of detailed registry information.

Main Operational Activity

Without specific details on the owner of AS138065, it is challenging to provide an accurate description of the main operational activity. Autonomous Systems are typically utilized by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large corporations, and academic institutions to manage their internet-related operations and routing policies.

Establishment of AS138065

The establishment date of AS138065 is not readily available in the public domain. The creation dates for autonomous systems can often be found in regional internet registries or through network information services, but this information might not always be up-to-date or accessible without proper authorization or tools.

Malicious Activities Linked to AS138065

As per the data provided by CleanTalk, there is no concrete evidence indicating that AS138065 has been used with malicious intent by hackers or spammers. However, it's important to note that this status can change, and any autonomous system could potentially be exploited for malicious activities if not properly secured.

For real-time and detailed security status about AS138065, it's suggested to refer to trusted cybersecurity databases and platforms which track the reputation of network entities.

WhoIs AS138065


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate