AS138961 Paradise Cable Television Network

Spam statistics of AS138961 Paradise Cable Television Network

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About AS138961

Owner of AS138961

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS138961 is not explicitly mentioned in public records. To determine the actual ownership, one would typically refer to regional internet registry databases or other authoritative sources that provide information on AS numbers and their registrants.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS138961's owner is not clearly defined without further context. Autonomous Systems are generally used by ISPs, enterprises, educational institutions, and government entities for routing internet traffic according to their specific policies and requirements. The operational activities can include anything from providing internet services to managing internal network infrastructure.

Establishment of AS138961

The exact establishment date of AS138961 is not provided here. Typically, this information can be found in the regional internet registry's database or through network information centers that keep records of AS number allocations.

Usage of AS138961 by Hackers or Spammers

There is no direct evidence or data provided here to suggest that AS138961 is being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. For up-to-date information regarding any potential abuse emanating from AS138961, it would be necessary to consult real-time security databases or services that track such activities, like CleanTalk or others specialized in monitoring and reporting network abuse.

For detailed and current information about the use of AS138961, including any reported instances of malicious activity, you can refer to dedicated online security platforms such as CleanTalk's blacklist page for AS138961 at: Note that due to the nature of the request, the URL is provided as text and not as a clickable link.

WhoIs AS138961


SPAM active IP addresses in AS138961 Paradise Cable Television Network

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.137.179.1142024-09-17 18:25:282024-11-13 01:40:3325
2103.137.179.1622024-10-04 00:55:262024-11-13 03:25:4122
3103.137.179.1632024-01-29 21:47:562024-11-13 01:35:2121
4103.137.179.1802023-08-31 19:10:212024-11-12 05:25:2615
5103.137.179.2042024-10-09 05:45:252024-11-13 00:20:2632

Detected networks prefixes

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