AS139526 Revolution Broadband

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About AS139526

Ownership of AS139526

AS139526 is registered to an entity known as "Shanghai UCloud Information Technology Company Limited". This company is responsible for the operation and management of the autonomous system (AS).

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Shanghai UCloud Information Technology Company Limited, the owner of AS139526, revolves around providing cloud computing services. These services include but are not limited to web hosting, cloud servers, and various other internet-related services that leverage their data center resources.

Establishment of AS139526

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS139526 is not readily provided in public databases. Typically, the creation date of an AS number can be found in regional internet registry databases or through network information centers specific to a region.

Malicious Use of AS139526

Concerns regarding hackers or spammers using AS139526 with malicious intent have been raised. According to data from CleanTalk, a service that monitors and reports on spamming and hacking activities, there may be instances where this autonomous system has been utilized for such purposes. However, it is important to note that the presence of suspicious activity within an AS does not necessarily implicate the owner directly, as it could be the result of compromised systems within their network.

To provide current details on any reported abuse, you would typically refer to the CleanTalk website at the following URL: However, since direct links cannot be used here, anyone interested should manually search for AS139526 on the CleanTalk blacklist page to find updated information about potential misuse.

WhoIs AS139526


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