AS139632 Mirpur Net

Spam statistics of AS139632 Mirpur Net

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS139632

Owner of AS139632

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS139632 is not specified in the provided details. Ownership information for autonomous systems is typically available through various internet registries or databases that track AS numbers and their allocations.

Main Operational Activity of AS139632's Owner

The main operational activity of AS139632's owner is also not detailed in the information provided. Generally, the operational activities of an AS owner can range from providing internet services, hosting, operating data centers, to managing a private network for a corporation or institution.

Establishment of AS139632

The establishment date for AS139632 is not mentioned in the provided context. Establishing an autonomous system involves acquiring an AS number from a regional internet registry and setting up the necessary infrastructure to manage the routes and policies for the IP addresses under its control.

Malicious Use of AS139632

According to the current records from CleanTalk's database, there are no explicit mentions of hackers or spammers using AS139632 with malicious intent. However, it's important to note that the status of an autonomous system in terms of abuse can change over time, and continuous monitoring is necessary to ensure its integrity and reputation. The absence of reports on a specific source such as CleanTalk does not necessarily guarantee that an AS is free from abuse, only that incidents have not been reported or detected by this particular service.

The details provided by would typically include data on whether the AS is involved in sending spam, hosting malicious content, or other forms of internet abuse. Regular checking of such databases helps maintain awareness of any potential security issues associated with an autonomous system.

WhoIs AS139632


Detected networks prefixes

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