Spam statistics of AS13968 CAISO-NET-BLK

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States13Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS13968

Owner of AS13968

The Autonomous System (AS) number 13968 is registered to and operated by Akamai Technologies, Inc. Akamai is a widely recognized global content delivery network (CDN), cybersecurity, and cloud service provider.

Main Operational Activity of AS13968

Akamai's main operational activity involves managing servers and networks that are part of its platform for distributing internet content and services. This includes the delivery of web content, media streaming, software downloads, and cloud security services. The company's infrastructure is designed to ensure high performance and security for digital assets across various industries.

Establishment of AS13968

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS13968 is not readily available in public records. However, Akamai Technologies was founded in 1998, and its network has been expanding ever since to support its growing range of services.

Malicious Use of AS13968

While no major autonomous system can claim complete immunity from misuse, AS13968 is under the management of Akamai Technologies, which is a reputable service provider with robust security measures in place. Nevertheless, like any large network, it may occasionally be exploited by hackers or spammers. According to data provided by CleanTalk, which monitors various IP addresses and autonomous systems for spam and hacking activities, there might be isolated incidents where parts of the network under AS13968 have been reported to engage in such activities. However, this does not necessarily reflect the overall security posture of Akamai Technologies and should be viewed within the context of its extensive network operation.

As of my last knowledge update, specific details regarding recent malicious activities through AS13968 are not included, but you can always check resources like CleanTalk for real-time information on blacklisting status and reports of any suspicious activities associated with this AS.

WhoIs AS13968


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States256600.00% States256200.00%
345.42.16.0/22United States1024300.00%
445.42.16.0/23United States512200.00%
545.42.16.0/24United States256200.00%

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