AS139722 Friends Cable Net

Spam statistics of AS139722 Friends Cable Net

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS139722

Ownership of AS139722

AS139722 is currently registered to an entity known as "ALIF TECHNOLOGIES." This organization is the official owner and operator of this Autonomous System (AS).

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of ALIF TECHNOLOGIES, the owner of AS139722, typically involves providing internet services. These services could range from web hosting to broadband connectivity for their end users or clients.

Establishment of AS139722

There is no specific public data readily available detailing when exactly AS139722 was established. Autonomous Systems numbers are generally assigned by regional internet registries, and the date of establishment can be researched through these organizations or by contacting the AS owner directly.

Malicious Use of AS139722

According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, a service that provides information on spam and hacking activities, AS139722 has been associated with malicious activities. As per their records, this Autonomous System has been used for sending out spam or carrying out other dubious actions. Here are some details:

  • Presence on blacklists: AS139722 has been reported and found on several blacklists due to spamming or other harmful online activities.

  • Nature of malicious intent: The exact nature of the malicious intent could vary from unsolicited email campaigns to potentially more serious cyber threats.

  • Mitigation and response: It is incumbent upon the owners and operators of AS139722 to address these issues, ensure compliance with best practices, and maintain the integrity of their network to prevent abuse.

WhoIs AS139722


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