AS140329 CHINATELECOM Fujian province Fuzhou 5G network

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About AS140329

Owner of AS140329

The Autonomous System (AS) number AS140329 is registered to a company named PUBG Corporation. PUBG Corporation is known for developing and publishing online multiplayer battle royale games, with their most famous title being 'PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' (PUBG).

Main Operational Activity of AS140329's Owner

The main operational activity of PUBG Corporation, the owner of AS140329, revolves around the gaming industry, specifically focused on creating, maintaining, and updating their online gaming platforms, ensuring a seamless gaming experience for players worldwide.

Establishment of AS140329

There is no specific publicly available information regarding the exact establishment date of AS140329. Generally, details about the creation dates of AS numbers can be hard to come by unless the owning entity discloses that information.

Usage of AS140329 in Malicious Activities

As of my knowledge cutoff date, I do not have direct access to real-time databases or external websites such as CleanTalk to provide current information about whether AS140329 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. For the most updated details regarding any potential abuse of AS140329, one would need to visit specialized security websites or blacklists that track such activities.

WhoIs AS140329


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