Spam statistics of AS1406 MOTOROLA-MOBILITY

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United States
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About AS1406

Owner of AS1406

AS1406 (Autonomous System Number 1406) is owned by MOTOROLA - Motorola Inc., US.

Main Operational Activity of MOTOROLA

Motorola Inc, the owner of AS1406, is a multinational telecommunications company that provides a wide range of products and services. Their main operational activities include the manufacturing and sales of communication equipment, including wireless handsets, digital entertainment devices, networking systems, and smart public safety solutions.

Establishment of AS1406

The exact establishment date of AS1406 is not publicly disclosed, but it has been operational for several years as part of Motorola's networking infrastructure to support their communications and data management needs.

Malicious Use of AS1406

Regarding security concerns such as hackers or spammers utilizing AS1406 with malicious intent, it's important to monitor security reports and databases that track such activity. As of my knowledge cutoff date in early 2023, detailed up-to-date information would be required from specific security resources like CleanTalk to determine if there have been recent incidents related to this Autonomous System.

To maintain accuracy and provide current information, one should refer to for the latest details on any reported malicious activities associated with AS1406. However, please note that without a real-time check, I cannot provide current details on whether AS1406 has been implicated in any such activities post my knowledge cutoff date.

WhoIs AS1406


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States512200.00% States512300.00%
369.10.186.0/23United States512200.00%

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