Spam statistics of AS142451 AKD NETWORK PVT LTD

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About AS142451

Owner of AS142451

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) 142451 is not explicitly listed in public databases. ASN ownership details are usually provided by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), but specific details may require deeper research or verification from the RIR responsible for the region in which the ASN is registered.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS142451's owner would typically involve managing internet traffic related to their network. The specifics of these activities can vary widely and might include providing internet service, web hosting, VPN services, or other online services.

Establishment of AS142451

The establishment date of AS142451 is not readily available in public records. Typically, such information can be obtained from the responsible RIR or through network-related databases that track ASN allocations and assignments.

Malicious Use of AS142451

As of my knowledge cutoff date in early 2023, I do not have direct information regarding the malicious use of AS142451 by hackers or spammers. For up-to-date details on whether AS142451 has been implicated in any such activities, you should refer to online security databases and resources such as CleanTalk, which actively monitor and report on the reputations of various ASNs based on observed behavior.

Note: Since this response does not include real-time data, and due to the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats, the status and reputation of AS142451 could change. Therefore, it is recommended to consult CleanTalk or similar services directly for the most current information regarding AS142451's potential involvement in malicious activities or its listing on any blacklists.

WhoIs AS142451


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