Spam statistics of AS146890 LIMITED

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About AS146890

Ownership and Operational Activity

As of the current knowledge cutoff date, specific information regarding the owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS146890 is not readily available in public databases. The main operational activity of the owner of AS146890 would typically involve managing the routing of internet traffic pertaining to their network blocks. This includes ensuring proper connectivity, maintenance, and services for the users or customers that fall within their autonomous system.


The establishment date of AS146890 is also not publicly listed. Generally, the creation date of an autonomous system number can be found in regional internet registry databases or through network information centers, but such details might not always be disclosed or easily accessible.

Malicious Use

As for allegations of malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities, these are serious concerns for any autonomous system. According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, a service that provides IP address blacklists for spam prevention, there may not be sufficient evidence or reports implicating AS146890 in such activities. Here are the details provided:

There is no data regarding the malicious use of AS146890 on the CleanTalk website as of now.

It is important to note that the absence of data does not necessarily mean that AS146890 has never been used for malicious purposes; it could also indicate that no incidents have been reported or detected by this particular service. Network administrators are advised to use multiple sources and tools to monitor for potential security issues within their networks.

WhoIs AS146890


Detected networks prefixes

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