AS149197 Girdhari Computers

Spam statistics of AS149197 Girdhari Computers

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS149197

Owner Information

The autonomous system (AS) number 149197 is registered to an entity that may not be publicly disclosed. Ownership details for many AS numbers can often be found in public databases, but specific information regarding the owner of AS149197 is not provided here.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS149197's owner is not specified in this context. Autonomous Systems are typically utilized by ISPs, large corporations, or educational institutions to manage their routing policies and internet connectivity. Without more detailed information, we can only speculate on the precise nature of AS149197's operations.

Establishment Date

The establishment date of AS149197 is also not mentioned here. Normally, such information might be discovered through regional internet registries or other AS information aggregation services.

Malicious Use: Hackers or Spammers

According to data obtained from CleanTalk, a service which monitors and reports on spam and hacking activities, there are no explicit reports that indicate whether AS149197 has been used with malicious intent, such as for hacking or spamming purposes. For up-to-date details on any potential abuse coming from AS149197, one should refer to platforms specializing in tracking such behavior.

To obtain real-time information on the track record of AS149197 concerning abuse, please consult dedicated services that provide such monitoring. Keep in mind that the status of an AS in terms of security and abuse can evolve over time, so periodic checks with reliable sources are recommended for the most current insights.

WhoIs AS149197


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1103.49.153.0/24United States256321.00%
2103.49.154.0/24United States2561021.00%
3103.216.0.0/24United States256521.00%
4103.216.2.0/24United States256721.00%

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