Spam statistics of AS149528 INDIAN BANK

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About AS149528

Owner of AS149528

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 149528 is currently not publicly disclosed. Information about the ownership of AS numbers is typically maintained in Internet Routing Registries, but specific details for AS149528 may be private or not easily accessible.

Main Operational Activity

Without specific information on the owner of AS149528, it's challenging to determine the main operational activity. Autonomous Systems are used by a variety of entities including Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large corporations, universities, and other organizations to manage their routing policies and internet connectivity.

Establishment Date

The establishment date for AS149528 is not mentioned, as this would normally be found in detailed registries or databases that track the allocation and assignment of AS numbers.

Malicious Use: Hackers or Spammers

As of the current knowledge cutoff, there are no specific reports or indications that AS149528 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. The absence of such reports, however, does not guarantee that the network has never been used for such activities, only that there is no widely-available evidence or data to suggest this. It is important to consider that networks can sometimes be compromised without the owner's knowledge and used for nefarious purposes.

For up-to-date information and details regarding any potential malicious activity associated with AS149528, resources like CleanTalk provide databases and blacklists that can be consulted. However, since we cannot embed links or direct you specifically to CleanTalk's page for AS149528, it is recommended to visit their website and search for AS149528 directly for the latest insights.

WhoIs AS149528


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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