AS149587 Om-Asha Net Private Limited

Spam statistics of AS149587 Om-Asha Net Private Limited

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Overview of AS149587

Ownership and Operational Activity

The autonomous system (AS) number 149587, known as AS149587, is registered to a company or entity that typically operates a network infrastructure. The specific owner of AS149587 is not provided in the immediate context, and this information can vary as AS numbers are allocated to different organizations around the world.

The main operational activity of an AS owner like AS149587 usually involves managing internet traffic for their networks. This includes routing decisions, maintaining IP address allocations, and ensuring network security and performance.

Establishment Date

The establishment date of AS149587 is not mentioned here; however, such information can often be found in regional internet registry databases or through network information services that track AS number allocations and their history.

Security Concerns: Hackers and Spammers

There is no explicit indication that hackers or spammers have used AS149587 with malicious intent. However, it is common practice to monitor any autonomous system for suspicious activities, as these systems can occasionally be compromised or misused by cybercriminals.

Details regarding the security status or abuse reports for AS149587 could potentially be found on websites that track blacklists and reputation data for IP addresses and AS numbers, such as Nevertheless, without current data from such sources, one cannot conclusively state the security standing of AS149587.

WhoIs AS149587


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