Spam statistics of AS150618 SKY DIGITAL

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Overview of AS150618

Owner of AS150618

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS150618 is not specified in publicly available records. Ownership details for autonomous systems can sometimes be private or require specific industry access to determine.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS150618's owner is also not publicly detailed. Autonomous systems are typically used by ISPs, large organizations, or cloud service providers to manage their internet traffic and routing, but without explicit information, the exact nature of AS150618's operations cannot be confirmed.

Establishment of AS150618

There is no publicly available information on when AS150618 was established. This data might be accessible through regional internet registries or other network information centers with access to historical allocation records.

Potential Malicious Activities

Regarding the use of AS150618 for malicious intent such as hacking or spamming, it is necessary to analyze up-to-date security databases or blacklists. According to, a website providing services for online security, real-time blacklist checks are available for various autonomous systems.

As of the last update from my knowledge base, there are no specific details about AS150618 being used for malicious activities provided by However, this status could change, and it would be advisable to consult the latest security reports or threat intelligence for the most current information.

WhoIs AS150618


SPAM active IP addresses in AS150618 SKY DIGITAL

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.68.86.1962023-06-02 15:55:452024-11-16 17:50:2737

Detected networks prefixes

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