AS15545 Magyar Telekom plc.

Spam statistics of AS15545 Magyar Telekom plc.

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Overview of AS15545

Owner of AS15545

AS15545 is owned by Magyar Telekom, which is the largest telecommunications company in Hungary. Magyar Telekom provides a variety of services including fixed line telecommunications, mobile communication, and Internet-based services and products.

Main Operational Activity of Magyar Telekom

The main operational activity of Magyar Telekom, as the owner of AS15545, includes providing comprehensive telecommunication services for residential and business customers. This encompasses broadband internet, landline telephone, TV broadcasting, and mobile network services.

Establishment of AS15545

The exact date of the establishment of AS15545 is not publicly disclosed information. However, Magyar Telekom has been operating since the 1990s, undergoing various phases of privatization and expansion over the years.

Malicious Use of AS15545

Regarding the use of AS15545 by hackers or spammers, it's important to note that any large network may be susceptible to abuse by malicious actors. According to data from CleanTalk, there are records of spamming activity originating from AS15545, but this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of Magyar Telekom itself. Instead, it indicates that some individuals or entities might have exploited resources within the AS15545 network for spamming or other malicious activities.

CleanTalk Data on AS15545

As per the latest data available from CleanTalk, there have been instances of spamming activity detected from AS15545. It is essential for network operators like Magyar Telekom to monitor and address such abuses to maintain the integrity of their services and protect users.

WhoIs AS15545


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