AS1585 DNIC-ASBLK-01550-01601

Spam statistics of AS1585 DNIC-ASBLK-01550-01601

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS1585

Ownership of AS1585

The autonomous system (AS) number 1585 is owned by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), a United States Department of Defense (DoD) combat support agency.

Main Operational Activity of DISA

DISA provides information technology (IT) and communications support to the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, the military services, and the combatant commands. This includes a wide range of IT services such as computing infrastructure, command and control systems, and cybersecurity.

Establishment of AS1585

There isn't publicly available specific information regarding the exact establishment date of AS1585. Autonomous Systems are generally assigned and come into operation in line with the needs of the owning institution, in this case, the timeline would be in accordance with DISA's operational requirements and developments.

Malicious Use of AS1585

As a government-operated AS, AS1585 is under strict management and oversight, making it less likely to be utilized by hackers or spammers. However, no network can be entirely immune to misuse. According to the data provided by CleanTalk, there may have been instances of suspicious activities originating from AS1585, but these could be anomalies, misconfigurations, or isolated incidents rather than indicative of pervasive malicious intent.

For real-time details on any reports of abuse or spam coming from AS1585, you would need to refer to up-to-date security databases or contact DISA directly, since such information changes frequently and requires specialized access to investigate.

WhoIs AS1585


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