AS15925 Occino GmbH

Spam statistics of AS15925 Occino GmbH

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About AS15925

Owner of AS15925

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS15925 is MegaFon, which is a major mobile telecommunications company in Russia.

Main Operational Activity

MegaFon's main operational activity involves providing a wide range of services including voice, mobile data, digital solutions, and other telecommunication services to its customers. It is one of the largest service providers in Russia, offering both consumer and business telecommunications services.

Establishment of AS15925

There is no specific public record for the exact establishment date of AS15925 available in this context. Generally, the creation date of an ASN could be found through relevant internet registry databases or historical records from the organization itself.

Malicious Use of AS15925

Like any large network, AS15925 could potentially be used for malicious activities, such as hosting spammers or being involved in hacker attacks. However, without specific evidence or reports, it is not appropriate to make assumptions about such activities. According to CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring, there is no explicit mention that AS15925 has been used with malicious intent. It's important for network operators to monitor their networks and take action against any abuse to maintain the integrity and security of their services.

WhoIs AS15925


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