AS1613 Target Media Partners Interactive, LLC

Spam statistics of AS1613 Target Media Partners Interactive, LLC

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United States
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Overview of AS1613

Owner of AS1613

The autonomous system AS1613 is owned by ArcelorMittal S.A., which is a multinational steel manufacturing corporation. As the world's leading integrated steel and mining company, it holds a significant presence in the global market.

Main Operational Activity

ArcelorMittal is primarily involved in the production of steel and related products. Their activities span from the extraction of iron ore and coal to the manufacturing of various types of steel that are essential for numerous industries including automotive, construction, and appliances, among others.

Establishment of AS1613

The exact date of establishment for AS1613 is not prominently documented in public records, but it has been operational within the internet infrastructure for many years, supporting the global operations of ArcelorMittal.

Malicious Use of AS1613

Like any large network, AS1613 could potentially be targeted by hackers or spammers. However, according to data provided by, there is no specific evidence suggesting that AS1613 is currently being used with malicious intent. It is important for companies like ArcelorMittal to implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their digital assets and networks from unauthorized use.

Note: Information regarding the misuse of AS1613 should be regularly monitored as cyber threats are constantly evolving, and even secure networks can become compromised.

WhoIs AS1613


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