Spam statistics of AS16753 SHEETZ-PUBLIC, US

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS16753

Owner of AS16753

The autonomous system (AS) number 16753 is owned by, Inc. This company is well-known for its vast e-commerce platform, cloud computing services through Amazon Web Services (AWS), and various other tech-related ventures and products.

Main Operational Activity, Inc.'s main operational activity includes online retail shopping services, cloud computing solutions, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. With the ownership of AS16753, it primarily supports the infrastructure required for hosting services and various internet-related services provided by AWS.

Establishment of AS16753

The exact establishment date of AS16753 is not commonly published information. However, Amazon itself was founded in 1994, and AWS, which AS16753 would be a part of, started in 2006. The autonomous system would have been established sometime after that to support Amazon's growing internet infrastructure needs.

Malicious Use of AS16753

While any large network can potentially be misused by hackers or spammers, AS16753 is managed by, Inc., which implements strong security measures to protect its network infrastructure. According to the data from CleanTalk, there may be instances of abuse detected originating from this AS, but this does not necessarily indicate a widespread problem with the entire network. Amazon actively works to mitigate such threats and abuse of its services.

Details from CleanTalk

As per the latest details from CleanTalk, there might be individual reports of spam or malicious activities detected coming from AS16753. It is important to note that these incidents could be due to compromised resources within the network rather than a direct result of Amazon's actions. Providers like Amazon take these issues seriously and typically have processes in place to respond to and resolve such incidents.

WhoIs AS16753
