Spam statistics of AS16785 USANA-INC

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
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- spam active IP adresses

About AS16785

Ownership of AS16785

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 16785 is USDOS - U.S. Department of State, based in the United States.

Main Operational Activity of USDOS

The main operational activity of the U.S. Department of State, as the owner of AS16785, is to manage the IT infrastructure necessary for the secure and reliable diplomatic communication requirements of the U.S. State Department. This includes handling secure data transmissions between embassies, consulates, and other entities associated with the United States' foreign affairs operations.

Establishment of AS16785

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS16785. Typically, the registration dates of autonomous systems are not publicly disclosed or may only be accessible through internet registry databases with restricted access.

Malicious Use of AS16785

Regarding the potential malicious use of AS16785 by hackers or spammers, it's important to note that any network, including those owned by government entities, can be a target for such activities. The website CleanTalk provides a blacklist check service that can be referenced for reports of spam or malicious activities originating from various ASNs, including AS16785.

As per the details from CleanTalk's database, there have been instances where IP addresses within the range of AS16785 were reported for abusive behavior. However, this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or actions of the U.S. Department of State itself but could indicate that certain individuals or external actors have managed to misuse network resources associated with AS16785.

It is also worth noting that large organizations like the U.S. Department of State have robust cybersecurity measures in place to detect, prevent, and respond to unauthorized or malicious activities on their networks.

WhoIs AS16785


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States512910.00%

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