Spam statistics of AS18733 ZENIMAXMEDIA

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States54 253Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites
7 2074 045

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS18733

Ownership of AS18733

The Autonomous System (AS) number 18733 is owned by Operbes, S.A. de C.V., which is a telecommunications provider in Mexico. This company operates under the commercial name AXTEL.

Main Operational Activity

AXTEL provides a variety of telecommunication services, which include fixed-line telephone services, broadband Internet access, and other IT services primarily to business and residential customers within Mexico.

Establishment of AS18733

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS18733 is not readily available in public records. However, AXTEL itself was founded in 1994, and it has since expanded its network infrastructure which would include the deployment and management of its autonomous system.

Malicious Use of AS18733

While any network can be susceptible to abuse by malicious actors, current data from sources like CleanTalk does not indicate a significant history of spam or hacker activity originating from AS18733. However, it is important for all network operators to implement robust security measures to prevent such abuses.

Additional Details on Malicious Activity

As of my knowledge cutoff date, there may not be detailed information available on CleanTalk regarding AS18733's involvement with hackers or spammers. For the most up-to-date information, direct querying of databases such as CleanTalk's blacklist is recommended.

WhoIs AS18733


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1107.180.192.0/18United States163844196270.00%
2107.180.192.0/19United States81925810.00%
3107.180.192.0/20United States40965710.00%
4107.180.204.0/22United States10242010.00%
5107.180.192.0/22United States10241000.00%
6107.180.196.0/22United States10241600.00%
7107.180.200.0/22United States10241100.00%
8107.180.208.0/22United States1024100.00%
9107.180.208.0/24United States256100.00%
10198.20.216.0/24United States256200.00%
11198.20.220.0/24United States256200.00%
12198.20.222.0/24United States256100.00%

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