AS19169 Telconet S.A

Spam statistics of AS19169 Telconet S.A

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DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
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- spam active IP adresses

About AS19169

Ownership of AS19169

The autonomous system number (ASN) AS19169 is owned and operated by Telconet S.A, a telecommunications provider in Ecuador.

Main Operational Activity

Telconet S.A offers a variety of services, including internet access provision, data transmission, and other telecom solutions, catering to both residential and corporate clients. As an ISP, it plays a crucial role in the region's digital infrastructure.

Establishment of AS19169

There is no publicly available specific date indicating when AS19169 was established. Usually, the creation date of an ASN is not widely documented unless provided by the owner or authoritative registry databases.

Malicious Use of AS19169

As with many large networks, there is potential for abuse by hackers or spammers. According to data from CleanTalk, AS19169 has been observed for hosting spammers or malicious activities. However, this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of Telconet S.A itself, as networks can often be misused without the knowledge or consent of the owner.

It's important for network operators to implement security measures to prevent such abuses and for users to report any suspicious activity to help maintain the integrity of the network.

WhoIs AS19169


Detected networks prefixes

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