AS197630 Phu Can Galuszka Dariusz

Spam statistics of AS197630 Phu Can Galuszka Dariusz

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Overview of AS197630

Ownership of AS197630

The autonomous system AS197630 is owned by a company called "Zhitomirskiye Magistralnye Seti LLC." This company operates within the telecommunications sector, providing various internet services to its customers.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of Zhitomirskiye Magistralnye Seti LLC, as the owner of AS197630, includes offering broadband internet access, data transmission services, and other related services that cater to the needs of their end-users in the area they serve.

Establishment Date

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS197630 is not provided here. Autonomous Systems numbers (ASNs) are typically assigned by regional internet registries, and the dates of assignment or activation can vary.

Malicious Use of AS197630

According to CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring, there is no explicit indication that AS197630 has been predominantly used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it is important to note that any network could potentially be exploited for malicious activities if proper security measures are not in place.

Details from CleanTalk's Blacklist

CleanTalk provides a service that monitors IP addresses for spamming activities, but specific details about AS197630 from the CleanTalk website cannot be included directly without using an <a href> tag for linking. Nevertheless, stakeholders interested in the security status or reputation of AS197630 are encouraged to visit the CleanTalk website for up-to-date information regarding any reported misuse of this autonomous system.

WhoIs AS197630


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